
Updated 09 Feb 2023

Image Data

ET-PKV400B Product Image

ET-PKV400B Product Image

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Installation Manuals

ET-PKV400B Operating Instructions_EN

ET-PKV400B Operating Instructions_EN

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Image Data

ET-PKR100S Product Image

ET-PKR100S Product Image

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Spec Files

ET-PKR100P_Spec File_EN

ET-PKR100P_Spec File_EN

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Spec Files

ET-PKR100S_Spec File_EN

ET-PKR100S_Spec File_EN

Updated 09 Feb 2023


ET-PKR100S Header Banner image

ET-PKR100S Header Banner image

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Spec Files

ET-PKR100H_Spec File_EN

ET-PKR100H_Spec File_EN

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Image Data

ET-PKR100P_Product Image

ET-PKR100P_Product Image

Updated 09 Feb 2023


ET-PKR100P_Header banner image

ET-PKR100P_Header banner image

Updated 09 Feb 2023


ET-PKL420B Header banner image

ET-PKL420B Header banner image

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Training Materials

AI Non-Mask Detection Application Material for SE

Model : WV-XAE203W

Updated 09 Feb 2023


AK-UC3300 Product Main Image (SG)

Updated 09 Feb 2023


AK-UC330 header (SG)

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Release Notes

WV-CU980 Version history

Updated 09 Feb 2023


WV-CU980 firmware

NTSC/PAL[Before upgrading WV-CU980]- To upgrade WV-CU980, i-PRO Configuration Tool (iCT) version or later needs to be installed on the PC. For details, refer to “WV-CU980 software update procedure”.

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Operating Instructions

WV-CU980 software update procedure (Chinese)

Updated 09 Feb 2023


WV-CU980 firmware (Chinese)

Chinese[Before upgrading WV-CU980]- To upgrade WV-CU980, i-PRO Configuration Tool (iCT) version or later needs to be installed on the PC. For details, refer to “WV-CU980 software update procedure”.

Updated 09 Feb 2023

Operating Instructions

WV-CU980 software update procedure (English)

Updated 09 Feb 2023

CAD Data

WV-QAT501 CAD Drawing PDF

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